In the photo competition held between the staff of the Center the following pictures were elected sorted by number of votes received:
title: Teide y ondas Kevin-Helmholtz (Teide and Kelvin-Helmoltz waves)
author: Rubén del Campo
title: Nubes fantasma (Ghost clouds)
author: Conchy Bayo
title: Déjate ver (Show up!)
author: Toño Perdigón
title: Después de la Tormenta (After the thunderstorm)
author: Toño Perdigón
title: Magia (Magic)
author: Toño Perdigón
title: Blanco amanecer (White dawn)
author: Toño Perdigón
title: Corona solar y fotómetro (Sun Corona and fotometer)
author: Rubén del Campo
title: Bajo cero (Below zero)
author: Toño Perdigón
title: Atardecer helado (Iced sunset)
author: Rubén del Campo
title: Dando color (Casting color)
author: Toño Perdigón
title: La sombra del teide luna llena (Teide shadow and full moon)
author: Rubén del Campo